When Wendy’s American cousin, Trelawney, was initiated into the Gorsedh we had to be there to witness it. The Cornish weather did little to support its own cultural get-together, so bards, friends and family were squeezed into Hayle Academy.

(photo gorsedhkernow.org.uk)


The sun didn’t shine on Gorsedh 2022.

Indoors if wet, we assembled

Tradition within the modernity of Hayle Academy;

But the numbers didn’t stack up.

I find myself, amongst family,

Stuck amid the swelter and press of it;

Still Covid anxious and aware

And masked in Cornish tartan;

Over-cooked in a necessary raincoat

Outside of this happening; a peripheral.

The Bards amass – robes flapping

In the hurly-burly of assembly

Old friends, mostly old lives

Dedicated to Kernow

Are well-met since last time…

And lament those who have passed on

While they wait for the initiates,

Those shy debutantes, begowned

To descend from the first floor, where,

Kettled into a waiting room no doubt,

They will process into their destiny.

I am merely an observer amid

The dancing maids in pale green shifts

Who float like fritillaries in a soft breeze,

Both fidgety and eager to perform;

They carry garlands through the parting crowd

As they follow the circumspect Grand Bard

Who professes anxiety over his coming address.

A swathe of powder blue reveals itself

From beyond the clearing entrance

To this aperture of Cornishness.

I find myself there on the edge of it

Unable to take one eye off the WI cake stall.
